How I Can Help

As a professional chaplain, my goal is to meet you where you are using a holistic psycho-spiritual approach to help reconnect you with your inner guide. This inner guide possesses deep wisdom and already knows what you need to heal. By integrating evidence-based practices such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), and Problem-solving Therapy (PST) into our work together, I will help you navigate life's challenges.

My practice is also informed by the wisdom of the Enneagram and Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS), both of which are helpful as we begin the work of self-awareness and transformation of relationships. Using these tools, we begin to shift the energy of trauma gently and allow new vitality to reinvigorate our lives. Along the way, we rediscover who we truly are.

Areas of focus:

  • Grief, loss, and transitions

  • Reconnecting with meaning and purpose

  • Reconnecting to one’s Self, or Essence (beyond roles, labels, and unhealthy beliefs)

  • “The Dark Night of the Soul” (transforming suffering into awakening)

  • Navigating crises, uncertainties, fears, or the unknown

  • Self awareness

  • Moral Injury

  • Substance use disorder

  • Unhealthy familial dynamics (Family Systems Theory)

  • Reconnecting to a spiritual path/cultivating spiritual practices

  • Values identification and embodiment

  • Present moment work (learning how “to be” beyond the mind, labels, unhealthy beliefs, and fears)

  • Meditation and grounding work

  • Shamanic knowledge and practices

One key aspect of healing is learning to be present with our pain, instead of avoiding it. Pain, when embraced, becomes a powerful teacher, which guides us to awakening and transformation. From this approach, we begin to heal and live more fully in the moment, and we connect to greater meaning and purpose.

“Through grief group I have learned that death, grieving, and dying are not the end of the world. Sometimes with death comes transformation and renewal. Grief group offers a safe place to be vulnerable.”